31 ways in 31 days: Teal and White Blouses

Happy Monday again! I’m back with another 31 ways in 31 days (stripped shirt and denim shirt here). I love blouses because they are so versatile. I can wear them to class with jeans or wear them to teach in. So many ways to wear it and doesn’t take up much space in my tiny dorm closet. Win, win!

31 ways, 31 days blouses

fall fashion

pearls, blouse and jeans

loafers, skirt and blouse

how to wear a fleece vest

white blouse, jeans and statement necklace

fall fashion

plaid scarf, fleece vest

fall fashion, capsule

capsule wardrobe

fashion, fall fashion

denim shirt, white sheer blouse

Linking up with: #howIsummerGreater than RubiesMix it MondayTrendsettersFashionably Employed, Style to InspireWhat I Wore Wednesday and Hump Day Happenings

One thought on “31 ways in 31 days: Teal and White Blouses

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